Free pattern for pendant Stella

Free pattern for beaded peyote pendant Stella

U need:

seed beads toho opaque pepper red 45 – 11/0

seed beads toho permanent finish galvanized rose gold 551PF – 11/0

seed beads toho bronze 221 – 11/0

seed beads toho bronze 221 – 15/0

seed beads toho opaque lustered light biege 123 -15/0

This star pendant is made of using peyote stitch. When u bead dont string tight, otherwise pendant can be wavy. Note that piece obligatorily must be flat after 1-2 rows.


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10 thoughts on “Free pattern for pendant Stella”

  1. I thank you for sharing these free designs. I make a living from your free designs. I’m from Kenya in Africa and even though getting the right beads can be a task from where I am, I am grateful that I found this site on pin interest. May God bless you abundantly

  2. Very pretty design. Thank you for sharing so much with all of us. It gives us inspiration to keep beading. Love your designs. I have been following your work for years and I love your beading creations.


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