5 thoughts on “Free pattern for necklace Water nymph”

  1. Could you provide some written instructions, as well as the diagrams? I have seen several patterns here that I really like, but I’m a novice beader and could use some instructions.

    Also…is it possible to make these patterns in a printer-friendly format or downloadable PDF? I’m sure others would appreciate that as well.

    Thanks so much for providing these patterns–they are really beautiful!

  2. This is beautiful and I would love to make it, but I’m having a hard time seeing the first part of the necklace. Maybe I’m not under standing the top part…
    Thank You for all the wonderful patterns..Mary

  3. The first part of the necklace is a netting, continue to bead until the desire length minus an inch for clasp on each side.

    The second part of necklace, start with a new thread and needle, find the middle of necklace and work pattern for the left side then mirror the same for the right side of necklace.

  4. ^Thank you! The base of this necklace is the most important part, albeit very easy to master. Just google lattice bead tutorial and look for the firemountaingems link for the simplest instructions you can find on the web! (And free).


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