Free beading pattern for bracelet Amaranth

You can use our free beading pattern for bracelet Amaranth if u want to learn how to use Two-Needle Right Angle Weave or Crossweaving technique.

This is a light-weight and elegant cuff bracelet made from seed beads, bicones and and rounds beads. This classic design looks great with any colors. You can make it as with classis colors like silver or gold so with bright and unususal colors.


Free beading tutorial for bracelet with bicones and pearls

U need:

seed beads 11/0

bicone beads 4 mm

round or pearl beads 4 mm

U can download this pattern in pdf format by clicking the pdf button in the end of this post.



Click on the diagram to enlarge it:

Free beading pattern for bracelet with bicones and pearls

Free beading tutorial for bracelet with bicones and pearls

Free beading tutorial for bracelet with bicones and pearls


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5 thoughts on “Free beading pattern for bracelet Amaranth”

  1. I absolutely love the Amaranth bracelet pattern! The colors are so vibrant, and the design looks elegant yet easy to follow. Can’t wait to try this out! Thank you for sharing such a beautiful pattern!


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