Free tutorial for necklace Nina with dagger beads

Use this free tutorial for necklace Nina to make beautiful necklace with dagger beads and round beads. This necklace is made using basic netting stitch. Any seed beads can be used for netting but it always looks better with good quality beads like toho or miyuki. Preciosa seed beads are also good and they have so many nice colors. In this free bead tutorial we used red and blue seed beads Toho 11/0, dagger beads and round beads from natural stone 4mm. Bead netting is quite easy stitch so if you are bead beginner dont be afraid to use it.  Pdf pattern is also availible!

free tutorial for necklace Nina, dagger beads, beaded necklace, basic netting stitch, netting stitch, netting, seed beads, natural stone


Free pattern for necklace Rowanberry

Free pattern for necklace Rowanberry is easy to follow and quite fast to make. This beaded necklace is made using basic netting stitch.  Bead netting is quite easy stitch so if you are bead beginner dont be afraid to use it.

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Free pattern for beaded necklace Dana

Use this free pattern for beaded necklace Dana to make beautiful huichol necklace. This necklace is made using basic netting stitch. Any seed beads can be used for netting but it’s much easier to use a main color and a contrasting one. In this free bead tutorial we used yellow and black seed beads Toho and bugle beads Toho 6 mm. Bead netting is quite easy stitch so if you are bead beginner dont be afraid to use it. If you like to make huichol jewelry this huichol necklace tutorial is good variant. What you need to do is to choose som bright colors. Pdf pattern is also availible!

free pattern for beaded necklace Dana, bead netting, horizontal netting stitch, basic netting, beadweaving tutorial, beadwork, netting stitch

