Free pattern for necklace Black Swan

Free pattern for amazing beaded necklace Black Swan by Viktoria Rumiantzeva




For this necklace u must make:

1 stick with 6 rounds

2 sticks with 5 rounds

2 sticks with 4 rounds

2 sticks for 3 rounds

and so many sticks with 2 rounds as u need to finish necklace

Then join all sticks in necklace as it is on the picture


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12 thoughts on “Free pattern for necklace Black Swan”

  1. That necklace is so beautiful and so elegant!! Thank you so much for sharing that pattern with us. I also took some others. That is nice of all those creaters to share with us.
    Thanks a lot to the all of you.

  2. Saludos,soy de VEnezuela encontre su pajina que hermoso,yo no tengo dinero para comprarles pero quisiera aprender,Me emamore de dos collares con pendientes y pulseras uno es de color Beis y otro es blanco con flores rosadas !! Que hermosos !! un abrazo apretadito desde VENEZUELA


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